Sunday, December 30, 2012

Resolutions & All that Jazz

This week has been frustrating.
Just because I don't have easy access to the gym. 
& I have a rotten cold.
Not to mention nonstop hours of work.
So I'm feeling like a cow. 
But I did manage to write out my New Year's Resolutions!
& man do goals make me feel excited!!!

I tried to be as specific as I could,
because I want to make these managable & totally and completely doable.
So without further ado...


Fitness 2013: 

  • gym 5-6 times a week 
  • insanity 3 times a week
  • yoga/relaxation 1 time a week

Academic 2013:

  • strive for As and Bs
  • read 1 non-school book a week

Spiritual 2013:

  • finish the Book of Mormon
  • read Preach my Gospel
  • read scriptures daily
  • read 1 conference talk a week
  • go to the temple

Financial 2013:

  • budget money--no excess spending
  • sell Mary Kay--make flyers

Happy Birthday Jesus!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The phrase ‘Daring Greatly’ is from Theodore Roosevelt’s speech, Citizenship in a Republic. This is the passage that made the speech famous:
'It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again,
because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause;
who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly . . .'

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

This isn't actually Christmas Related

Not a great picture.
BUT the point is I tried on my prom dress from May & it is too big!!

It has been encouraging to see everyone & hear great feedback and comments.
But as far as my weight goes, I don't want to talk about it in depth.

Don't get me wrong I love talking health.
But asking how many pounds I lost or sizes I dropped makes me uncomfortable.
I just don't want to dwell on how bad I WAS. I just think of this as becoming who I needed to BE.
It was part of growing up & going off on my own. I learned for myself how my body works.
And that is the important thing. 

Now I am focusing on undoing the damage I've been causing for years.
That's it really. And I am not diminishing what I've done, because believe me, I worked my butt off.
And I am still going. Why?
Because I can. I know my limits and I take care of myself. 
I am ready for new challenges. 

Of course, the positive comments have been so inspiring.
I want to keep up with this lifestyle. 
It makes me really happy. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Look who came to get me from the airport!
My heart is bursting!!!

I traveled from Idaho to Utah on Friday & I drove the whole 5 hours.
Road rage central, let me tell you.
Those Mormons don't know how to drive!

It was an awesome night in Salt Lake City
and I was getting so excited!!!

Saturday I flew home, had almost no complications
I was in shock. I thought it was just mom & dad. 
But it was all my favorites.
Minus my brother Ben. But he did wait up, so whatever.
I still love him. 

I love these boys!
My brother Peter, he is such a great kid!
& my Mcgills'! My best friend! Life is so good!

I went to church this morning on 4 hours of sleep
& got so much love. It is just what I needed!!
It's like nothing has changed, and I am so thankful for that!!
I absolutely love my branch family!!!

This day has been spent with my family, doing christmas-y activities.
We are making cinnamon almonds, candy cane marshmallow dippers, & chocolate covered pretzels!
We are also going to decorate the tree!

AND my bestest girlfriend Brittany is coming over soon!!!
I can't wait to see her!!!

Why am I so incredibly blessed.
I swear my life is so wonderful, how could it ever get better?

Mumma just made me some vanilla tea, & I'm watching Elf.
Home Sweet Home. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Oh hi
I just finished my 1st semester of college, no big deal.
I rewarded myself with a giant dark chocolate bar.
Not my best decision.
But hey the world ends soon, so who cares?

Tomorrow is cleaning & packing day,
along with selling my books & working out.
Also eating up all my spinach before I leave! 
No way will that stuff last for 3 weeks! 

Friday morning I'll wake up early,
gym it up & head out!
Rach & I are going to hit temple square that night & see the lights.
Then Saturday is the big day!
I'll be in Boston so soon! My heart is leaping 
with a crazy rush of joy and nervousness. 
Dang I'm excited.

Also I say "dang" now.
Oh the silly slang you pick up from mormons.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The End of the Semester

This semester has been incredible!
I am going to miss it so much!

Today we had our last family dinner together, & it was amazing!
I made a yummy salad, we had chicken ranch lasagna, cheesy biscuits,
martinelli's to drink, and a delicious pumpkin pudding cake.

I am stuffed. But happy! 
I am trying not to beat myself up too much over food.
Especially when it is a special occasion, and I make smart decisions.
Plus I had tons of salad material for all my lunches & dinners this week. Yay!

I got to call my daddy today, & I am so excited to see him in less than a week!
I called my Nana too, & it just made me that much more excited for Christmas.

The spirit of Christmas was the theme today at church, & it just made me so grateful.
I am so blessed. I have a wonderful family, an incredible life, & endless opportunities!

Being here at BYU-Idaho, my spirit has grown. 
I've learned so much about who I am and what I want.
I feel blessed & strengthened to progress in my life.

I'm really sad to see the end of the semester
but I am so excited to go home and see my family & friends!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

In 1 week I will be on my way home!
Merry Christmas to me!

Now to just make it through this week.
Finals SUCK..
but you know what?
I am going to go hardcore.
I will ace 'em, work out everyday, pack up
& get my butt back east!

In other news, my friend Terri did my eyelashes today!
I feel like such a rockstar.
Plus they last for a month & I don't need mascara, yes!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

This is my "it's finals week" face.
So much stress! 
So much school work,
trying not to get fat in the process of stressing,
cleaning the apartment,
saying goodbye to some of my roommates,
gettting to utah in one piece,
& getting the heck home to MA. 

This next week & a half are going to be kiler.
But I'm looking towards the finish line! 
Only 10 more days until I am HOME! 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I used to be creative

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Lovin' Life

The good news is I am feeling awesome today!

I had a super productive weekend, church was great, my roommates are great, & most importantly 

I will be hanging with my family and snugglin' my puppies.
To say I'm excited is an understatement.

And now it is time to watch the Christmas Devotional !
An annual event put on by my church!
I am so excited, it is going to put me in the christmas mood for sure!
