Monday, May 31, 2010


I had a pretty nice weekend, I'd say. The weather was fantastic, except for the minor sunburn I got. But on the whole, it was divine.

The weekend didn't start off too divine though, I was in a bad mood over some things. But looking back on it, I was just being a drama queen as usual. Maine was a lot of fun though! I got to see my cousins and hang out with them for a bit! We went swimming in the lake a couple times, had a canoe trip to the lily pads & saw a beaver dam there (so rad), we roasted marshmallows over the fire, and basically did a LOT of relaxing. It was glorious.

My Dad and I are competetive yahtzee players, and we never give up the chance to play a game. Seeing as how we had so much downtime this weekend, we pulled out the old yahtzee box and had ourselves a marvolous game. Well it was marvolous for me at least! I got 3 yahtzees and a new high score of 471! Beat that Dad! He says he got a score in the 500's before, but I have not yet recieved written proof of that.

We stopped for lunch at Mickey D's on Saturday and I am disguisted with their very un-vegetarian menu. A side salad with squishy tomatos, no croutons and no fork, just doesn't satisfy.

Reese's Big Cup is the greatest invention ever.

Sometimes when I go grocery shopping, I'll get a magazine. Usually something about fashion, and I have so much fun reading it & looking at all the pictures. Today I thought, Hey wouldn't it be cool to save these, and show my grandkids how it was in the "olden" days? So I decided that I'm gonna save my magazines. Just thought I'd let 'cha know.

Today was a wonderful day. I got to see my baby cousins this morning, and my auntie & uncle of course. Then I took a dip in the pool & spent my whole day laying out in the sun, finishing Alice in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass. I seriously think I have a new favorite book(s).

Instead of doing my homework I made a very long list that I have titled "Summer Reads." You have no idea how excited I am to get started on it! I have already checked off Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, so I feel very accomplished.

I really don't think I can make it 14 more days! Summer needs to start now!

Classical music can be so relaxing. I like to listen to it on Sunday mornings sometimes, because I remember when we were kids, Mom and Dad always had it on.

Up is probably the cutest movie ever. I watched it instantly on Netflix and it was too adorable for words. Highly reccommended.

Well, I guess that's all! It will be June tomorrow! Only 23 days till my B-day! Yay!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Sooo 14 more days until summer. Almost there guys, almost there.
I am reading the original Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, and how many times can you say love in a sentence? Lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove.
I have recently become obsessed with ADELE, Missy Higgins, Regina Spektor, and Ingrid Michaelson. They are all amazing artists. Check 'em out.
It is so nice to talk to old friends on the phone in the middle of the week. It's therapeutic. Even if it's only for a few moments, it is so reassuring to simply hear their voice.
My mom got me the Driver's Manual. I better start studyin'. My birthday is less than a month away!
Summer's in the air! And something's coming, I just know it.
I have to clean my room wayyy to much. I'll wake up in the morning with a completely spotless room, but then I will throw clothes around, tearing everything apart. So by the time I get home, everything's a mess. I actually like to clean though. I know, I know, I'm a weird kid.
I exercise to 80's music, Don't judge.
I should probably go pack! Maine for the weekend! Bye loves!

I'm going to the lake for the weekend!!!!!!! This is basically my favorite place in the whole wide world! Yayayayayay! I am pretty excited, not gonna lie :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Is anyone else having horrible summer cravings? I am just dying for school to be over & to finally start vacation! Most of my favorite memories have happened in the summer and I can't wait to make more memories! Oh summer, please please please hurry up!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I am such a crazy girl! Sometimes I only focus on the bad things that happen in my day instead of the good things! I control my own happiness, and you know what? I am going to be happy. I have friends who love me and life is good. I don't always remember that, but from this point on, I am going to try to start. My freak out earlier was just a crazy lady talking. She's gone, no worries.

SOOO it has been really hot out today! Seriously, the past few days have been 90 degrees! Now it is thundering & lightening outside my window, & I am grateful for the cool down. Plus, who doesn't love a good thunderstorm?

Only 2 more days until the weekend! Can you handle it?

I'm going to Maine for the memorial day weekend! yay! A chance to kickback & relax in my favorite place on earth! Maybe I will finally get some journal time in. It would certainly help with all this stress!

Today is my best friend, Eliza's birthday! Eliza is one of my favorite people. She is a great listener, friend, & gives the best hugs in the world! I love her SO much and I can't wait to make her a big birthday present! She seriously is such an incredible person, and is going to go far in life!

It is also my baby cousin Philomena's birthday! She is turning 2! Totally adorable!

Well, that was today! Not much more to say! Except, I get to sleep in 'till 6 tomorrow! (I usually wake up at quarter to 5) How awesome is that?


P.S. 16 more days! :)

All day I've been telling people I'm fine, but I don't think I am. I am in the worst mood and I don't know how I got here. Maybe it's my friends, who don't realize how excluded I feel. Maybe it's the overall stupidity of others. Maybe it's feeling like I'm not worth anything & not getting reassurance. Maybe it's not hearing "I love you" from anyone lately. Or maybe I am just crazy.

I hate to show my weaknesses, but they're there. I need a confidence boost, because I've fallen down, but nobody seems to be here to help pick me up. I seriously need to get over myself. Other people suffer wayyyy more than I do! I just really hate having this terrible feeling. I gonna try to relax this afternoon and pulll myself together. I can be such a baby.

Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm chill. A little while back, I wrote down some short term goals I wanted to do. I realized yesterday that I had actually started them! I have started running & learning to play the piano. Snaps for me.
I love my friends, they are pretty cool kids.
I hate A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. I am in pain trying to get through this awful, awful book.
I have been a vegetarian for 3 weeks, approximately. Well, actually a pescitarian (sp?) I eat fish. I don't feel that sorry for them. They are ugly, except nemo of course.
I tie-dyed a shirt yesterday! I am pumped to wear it.
I slept on an air mattress last night for no particular reason. It was a nice change.
Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs is one crazyyy book. I can't believe this stuff actually happened to some kid.
I went to Dairy Queen yesterday & had them make me a chocolate-hot fudge-peanut butter sauce-whipped cream-nuts sundae. My own personal creation. It was GOOD.
My nails have no color. Thought I'd go natural for a bit.
My pool's open, time for a swim.

p.s. 18 more days!

Friday, May 21, 2010

I have the blues. & no one really seems to care.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I've really been getting into Jim Croce recently.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ok summer, let's hurry it up please.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

See that girl right there? Yeah, she's my friend. Can you believe how talented she is? I am so proud of her!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I am jumping for joy right now, because I have a very exciting weekend coming up! Tomorrow I get to go to six flags with the band, then Saturday I'm going to my lovely friend's ballet performance, Cinderella which of course she is playing Cinderella, and last but not least, on Sunday I am seeing Hello Dolly! With my nana & papa! A show that we all adore! So as you can see, it is going to be a very exciting, yet exhausting weekend! I just hope I can get some of my work done! The end of the year is just so hectic and crazy! I am totally and completely stressed. But it's good to go out and have some fun to take your mind off things! I am pumped!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Space. The Final Frontier.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies."

I love my mom with all my heart. She is the greatest example to me, in my life & she is my best friend in the whole world.

When I grow up, I want to be just like her.

I love you mom! Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Ok so I am going to an 80's dance tomorrow and to prepare I am having a mini dance party in my room rocking out to some 80's classics.

I have also used all my knowlegde from my favorite 80's movies to put together an outfit. Not gonna lie, I am pretty excited!

I am so glad this week is over, I have had the suckiest week! I am so happy I get to spend the day tomorrow with some great friends of mine, and then dancing the night away! I have the most fantastic life!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mom came home from her business trip! I missed her like crazy so I'm really glad she's home. We went out for ice cream. I like waiting outside in line for ice cream on warm evening. My mom thinks I'm weird. I guess I am.

When me & my brothers were little, we used to pretend our ice cream was a mountian and we would ski with our spoons. Good times.

I feel all excited for no reason at all. Maybe something good is coming my way?

I have so much work I am supposed to be doing right now. But I'm wayyy to busy dreaming about summer.

I like this quote: "We had mighty good weather as a general thing, & nothing ever happened to us at all." ~ Mark Twain.

I can smell lilacs & freshly mowed grass outside my window right now.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Jim Croce makes me wanna dance. I think I will.

I watched the most horrifying movie today. It was all about where all our food really comes from. And let me tell you this right now, I am officially becoming a vegetarian.
I was honestly crying my eyes out! All those cute little cows & piggies & chickies...oh! I'm getting queasy!
Old Mcdonald farm is just a fantasy world my friends. The real deal is Mcdonald's is a heartless disguisting fast food joint.
And don't even get me started on Tyson & Perdue & other meat companies. I am so mad! Vegetarian allllllll the way from now on!

Monday, May 3, 2010

I have always wanted to have one of those friends who is really similar to me. And I want a friend that hangs out with me all the time and we have crazy adventures and really fun times. It seems like all my friends are to busy for me or live to far away! I sure do miss my besties!