Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Office

I am addicted to this show! I originally thought it looked kind of dumb, but this weekend my friend made me watch it, and now I can't stop. I love it!

Last Day of Summer

Well, today is the last day of summer. My junior year starts tomorrow. Ugh, I really don't want to start school. On the other hand though, it will be good to get back into a routine.

I think I had a pretty good summer. I got to go to Florida, Maine, and New Hampshire. I went to Harry Potter World, EFY, Girl's Camp, and so many other places. I got my first job, and finally got my permit! I got to spend time with lots of friends and family. It was overall pretty great!

I'm kind of nervous for school to start. Junior year is a very important year. But I'll make it through!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Moon River

You don't know how many times I catch myself singing this every day. It's one of my favorite songs & of course, this is one of my favorite movies.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

You wanna know something? I'm really happy.
Life's good.

Here's what's on my mind right now.

I'm lovin' Marina & The Diamonds, can't get enough.

Current old school music obsession? Peter, Paul, & Mary.

I hate 5 People You Meet in Heaven. & I hate Mitch Albom. I canNOT believe I have to write 6 pages of notes on the thing.

I just read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows....again. & I fell in love with the series....again.

I am so glad I live near the ocean. I love the smell of it! It's gonna be weird not to have that.

I love the fair! I went with one of my best friends yesterday, and we had a blast!

I would really like to go to a different country next summer and help orphans. That sounded weird, but I really want to do that.

I'm excited to learn french this year.

I want a cute boyfriend. But then again, I don't really have the time.

I'm really excited to start school, and normal routine life. But then again I'm going to miss these lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.

I think it might be time for a snooze. It's been quite a long week.
goodnight moon.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I love sitting around. After a long day, I love to just curl up into a ball and relax. It's great.

This week has been pretty busy. I worked Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Then on Tuesday I had parties and adventures. And tomorrow I'm going to a fair, and movie later on. Whoa, hold the phone, it looks like I actually have a life!

This is shocking.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Oh No!

One thing I believe in; rad people. And she's one of them.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


This is me. I'm a girl scout. No lie.

Ok no it's not. But I really am a girl scout.

I just wanted to say how much girls rock! We are the coolest. I just got back from a week at my church's annual girl's camp, where all the girls from the area go up and camp in the woods! I love it.

We have a craft barn, waterfront, candy store, and all sorts of cute stuff. We learn our knots, go out on canoes, make adorable crafts, and get closer to god. It is the most perfect place.

My church is so important to me and I love going to girl's camp because the spirit there is incredible. You just feel so good and close to the other girls! They are like the sisters I never had.

I can feel and see my life changing for the better right this very moment. I'm getting out of my comfort zone and just living.

It is pretty rad, I must say.

Love This


The greatest thing about weddings is the gifts! Seriously you get so much great stuff. We just bought my mom's friend a wedding present and I decided when I get married I'll invite sooo many people so I get lots of presents :D

Ok, I'm not really that terrible, I promise. But weddings are really great.

First of all, finding your true love is a pretty exciting deal. Obviously right? I'm always saying that I'll never get married because honestly, there aren't that many guys out there that look appealing to me. I'm only 16 though, so I'm surrounded by jerks. No offense to the good ones. The truth of it though, is that I would really like to get married.

To the right guy.

I don't just want to get married for the sake of getting married. I know people who have done that, and that is NOT the way I wanna go.

The bottom line of it, is that I don't know what the future holds for me. Nobody does. I'm not going to start picking out baby names like all my friends. I'm just going to live my life and see what happens!

I just want to say congrats to my mom's friend who is getting married on this beautiful day! She deserves every happiness.


Friday, August 6, 2010

Church Nerdiness

Sorry to spring more church nerdiness on you, but I adore this song. It's really comforting to me.

I would love to get the sheet music for this. Although maybe I should learn how to play the piano better first.


So I've decided the uklele is probably one of the raddest instruments ever. My friend Chritstie brought one to EFY and I fell in love with it.

The cool thing is that when I got home I told my dad about it, he told me he was thinking of getting one! That's the greatest thing about having a rockstar daddy!

So my Dad, knows a guy, who know a guy in Hawaii who apparently makes the best ukleles in the world. And we might get one! I'm rather excited if I do say so myself.

P.S. I'm having a Pixar Party tonight! A bunch of my friends are coming over to veg out and watch pixar movies. How cool are we?


Thursday, August 5, 2010

I Love This

Curves and Curls

The typical beauty of today is having the smallest body and the sleekest hair right? But what is typical really? Because in my life I've know people who come in all sizes and shapes. People with every color hair and some crazy styles. And you know what? They are all beautiful in their own way.

I'm always trying to overcome my self conciousness about what I look like. I hate to admit to this weakness but yes, I do get the blues over my appearance.

Recently though, I've been feeling pretty content with how things are. Summer and EFY and many recent experiences of mine have left my feeling confident and pretty and well, just, GOOD.

Loving yourself is a constant struggle. Not just for me but for everyone! And all I know is I really wanna try and work on it.

From now on, I love my curves and my curls. Because they make me unique and they make me who I am.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


It's a beautiful day. It's a beautiful life. And here are some things that I think are beautiful.

Little acts of kindness.




Uplifting music.

An ice cream sundae (come on, you think so too!)

Love. In all shapes and forms.

But most of all...YOU! You are beautiful! And so am I. We are beautiful in everyway and nothing will shake us.

Have a beautiful day! (:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I know I'm getting really churchy, but this is my blog, and honestly I am a church nerd. So I'm gonna post what I wanna post!

This is the efy theme song for 2010 and it has been stuck in my head ALL day. I love it. And all the songs on the CD.

I'm stilling living off the EFY high, and I don't want it to ever go away. I love it so much.

On another note, I had a really fun day! I went to Canobie Lake Park with my friend Sam and we had a blast! The Tilt-A-Whirl was the highlight of the day. So much fun.

Tomorrow I'm having a beach day all to myself. Besides my mom and brothers. But it should still be great.

I am so happy right now, and so content with who I am. And that doesn't usually happen. I'm totally lovin' this! I feel happy, and churchy, and nerdy, and awesome. It's the greatest!