Saturday, May 28, 2011


I believe that on average people are normally good. There is not one person I hate in this world. It just hurts to see friends change and make choices that are not beneficial. It hurts to try so hard to be there, and have things come crashing down.
It has obviously been a rough week. And I am really blue. Meltdowns are no fun. Allergies & swollen eyes are equally no fun. But I can not just list the bad. So here's some good stuff for ya!

I got to see my best friend off to prom yesterday! She looked completely beautiful! I had a lot of fun, being there for her and taking some photographs. I got to babysit her siblings after (8 of them!) which I always love.  I got my 2nd batch of SAT scores. All together I have a 1730! & I raised my math score! Time to dance for joy!! The best thing about this week and realizing that I have the greatest friends. When I'm blue and down on myself, they're always there to cheer me up! I'm so thankful for that.

Speaking of, I'm off to the Museum of Fine Arts with my dear friend Douglas! It will be a lovely day!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Do you need a laugh?

This is great. I really needed a laugh today and this did it!

Monday, May 23, 2011


Did I tell you I went to see Weezer last Thursday night? I guess you could say it was my first official concert for someone famous. So that was pretty cool. Plus I love Weezer. They were amazing, and it was a great time!

I went with my friend Julie who originally told me about it, so I'm really glad she did. Because we had fun, jammin' and gossipin' and such. Friend's with great music taste are the best!

What If..?

I think about the future a lot. & I mean a lot.

College? Yes. I think I want to go.

But something has been itching at the back of my mind.

What do I most want to do?

I'll tell you.

I want to help people. I want to do something good.

So here it is. What if I joined the Peace Corps?

Or some sort of service program.

I think I would really like to do that.

Just another something to throw into the future mix.

By the way, I am sick of high school.

Everyone is mean and ridiculous.

I am done with it all, & summer needs to come faster.

I need a 3 month vacation from those kids.

Also, I need to graduate.

Oh, life. Why must you make me feel this way?

Time to plaster a fake smile and suck it up.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011


How did I spend my do-nothing Saturday? I made a prom photo collage for my mom & my date's mom. Then I made an 8 x 10 of Charlotte for her mom. Ohh moms.

Going through alll my photos makes me antsy for a photoshoot. Man, I really should become a photographer because I love this. And crave it. Weird.

Besides brushing up on my editting skills, I did absolutely nothing today. I slept till 11, took a shower, ate breakfast, fooled around on the computer, attempted to read, then went to Bertucci's for dinner. Needless to say, it's been a wonderful day.

I really needed a do-nothing day.

Music Crush

Friday, May 13, 2011

A Lovely Start

Wellll, I got to work today, and my shift was canceled (: So I went home, sat in the beautiful sun, made a delicious dinner for the boys @ home (mumma's on a business trip), snuggled with Fritzy, sang at the top of my lungs, & did some laundry.

I'd say I had a pretty great start to my do-nothing weekend.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy, Kind Of


I am so relieved, but still kind of nervous. I missed the last 4 mulitple choice questions because I ran out of time. Also, my essays sucked. But, I am a perfectionist, so maybe they weren't as bad as I think. I just want a 3, if I have a 3 I will be happy. If by some crazy chance I get a 4 I will be ecstatic.

For breakfast I had a double yolked egg, so I think that was a sign of good luck. Cross your fingers for me!

This picture is from a few weeks ago. It was one of the funnest days I've had in a long while. I spent the day with my friends Haley and Sam doing a photoshoot on the beach. I'll upload some of those because I don't think I have yet. We had a lovely time, and I can't wait to do it again!

Anyways, now that I have finished with all this SAT and AP bologna, I can work on finishing up the school year, getting my liscense (long overdue), and losing weight! All this stress and extra eating and no time for exercise has left me in bad shape. The great part is the pool is finally open! So yay for swimming!

I am going to relax, treat myself to some victory ice cream, and some That 70's Show. Yeah, I know, the ice cream isn't such a hot start to this diet. Well, there's always tomorrow!!

Monday, May 9, 2011


"Whenever I was upset by something in the papers, Jack always told me to be more tolerant, like a horse flicking away flies in the summer."

"There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all."

"Sex is a bad thing because it rumples the clothes."

~Jackie Kennedy.

Today we went to the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston for a field trip, and my friend and I are obsessed with Jackie. I'm almost positive our classmates find us totally weird. But, I don't care much.

Jackie is just such a classic, strong, elegant, creative woman. How can you not love her? Also, hilarious. I mean check out that last quote! Oh, but let's not forget her gorgeous husband. His a pretty cool guy too...

"Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men."

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."

"I'm an idealist without illusions."


I am so glad my friend appreciates history like I do. We had a lovely day gushing over the Kennedy's and I am so excited for the fun things we have planned for the summer. I love you Alicia!

Big Girls Don't Cry

I need to keep it together. I'm almost there. I will rock that AP Test, if it's the last thing I do.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

It's Mother's Day!

I love my mum. She is the greatest woman I know.
I am incredibly lucky to have such a great mom.
I lovee her sooo much! Happy Mommy's Day Lorelai!

Saturday is a ...Special Day?

6:00- wake up & take shower
6:45- throw on some sweats, & eat a good breakfast to keep me full and focused
7:30- go to the school
8:00-1:00- rock the SATs like it's my job
1:00- devour a sandwich in 3.5 seconds
1:25- leave for work
1:45-6- hallmark, on the day before mother's day. oh boy
6:15- go to Alicia's & watch pokemon
8:00- play Michael Jackson experience with Liam
9:00- make random videos & play with josh's mac.
11:15- home for the evening.

What a successful day. Despite all my worries and freakout-worthy events, I feel surprisingly hopefully and on the verge of contentment. SATs are over, hopefully for the last time! I have my fingers and toes crossed that I raised my score.

The AP test is Wednesday, but I feel good right now. I don't want to dwell on that just yet. Leave that stress for tomorrow. I think I will go to bed now because man, I deserve it.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

This Week

SAT's on Saturday.
AP Test next Wednesday.

This is what I have been working towards. I am scared beyond my wit's end. I realize how lame it may seem, to get so worked up over these tests but I take them very seriously. I am going to be in that hair pulling-stomach churning-nervous wreck state for the next week & 1/2.

I feel like I might be a tad dramatic because the truth is I probably won't do terrible. I am just a perfectionist, and I want to be perfect.

Wish me luck on my life! Not only do I have big tests to study for, but I have the usually tedious work/homework, & this week my friends decided to throw a bunch of drama into the mix. Fun stuff.

I'm just looking towards summer. The end is in sight. Junior year will not be missed in the slightest.