Thursday, November 24, 2011


I know that I've posted way too many videos lately.
But what is thanksgiving without the annual listening of "Alice's Restaurant"?
And if you haven't heard this song, you needed to be schooled.
So you're welcome.

I am so incredibly grateful today.
I had my very last high school football game today, and I've been feeling extremely nostalgic.
This also may be my last thanksgiving home for a while.
As I've spent time with my friends and my family I have really been thinking about the future.
I need to spend this time enjoying the people in my life and the place I live.

I am thankful for new england, and it's beauty.
I am thankful for my mom & dad who do so much.
I am thankful for my brothers who are really good kids, even if they bug me sometimes.
I am thankful for a good group of friends, who put up with me.
I am thankful for my grandparents and their love.
I am thankful for my church, which keeps me level headed.
I am thankful for my Heavenly Father who loves me and reminds me that I am a daughter of God.
I am thankful for a good job filled with caring people.
I am thankful for my comfortable home and my cozy bed.
I am thankful that I have food to eat and water to drink.
I am thankful for my experiences and the life I have lived so far.
I am thankful for the oppurtunities ahead of me.
I am thankful for good music and beautiful art.
I am thankful for my car, even when he gets moody.
I am thankful for my doggies, and the time we spend snuggling.
I am thankful for kitties and their purring.
I am thankful for candles.
I am thankful for my bright, new, red coat.
& I am thankful that it is now officially the christmas season!


I have a truly beautiful life, and I am  grateful that we have this day to remind us to count our blessings. When I think about our troops suffering overseas, or of those people who hardly have the nesseccities of life to survive, I want to cry. Why do I complain so much when I am so lucky? I have so much.
I am so blessed.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Music Crush

"Without You"

Hello There

I have recovered! Sort of.
Tuesday sent me into a whole new sickness and I could not leave my bed.
But I got back in the swing of things today.

Do you ever feel like your life isn't real?
I'm just going about the motions, but I can't feel anything.
College seemed like this big, important thing (it is)
But, there's more to life than college.
It's weird to think that, because I've been working towards it for so long.
I am scared that I won't get in. Then I'll be really lost.

My blog is so boring. I had all these wonderful ideas back in the summer about how to spice things up.
I really need to do that.
I can't just keep using the "I'm busy" excuse.
There will never be a time when I'm NOT busy.
Hm, maybe that's something I'll work on.

My blog is also so scattered.
After all, it's just my random thoughts exploding on the page.
Man, I need to be more organized.
Cause, to tell you the truth, I'm a mess.
I need to get my act together. 

Monday, November 14, 2011


Did I tell you I've been sicky for a week?
It started as a little cold, but grew into a monster.
I spend my whole nights coughing and have already gone through 2 boxes of tissues.

But luckily DayQuil saved my life today,
as well as, hot chocolate and beef stew.

I stayed home the past couple of days to rest and get back to normal.
Almost there.

In other news, I am obsessed with Josh Groban's voice.
I think it's love.
I'm also crazy about She & Him's new Christmas album.
Yes, I am one of those annoying people who starts her Christmas celebrations
right after Halloween. I actually considered starting Christmas before that, but I resisted.
People say that I'll get sick of it, but I know I won't.
It's the happiest time of the year! How could I ever get sick of Elf, twinkling lights, holiday-scented candles, Bing Crosby, snowflakes, hot chocolate, peppermint bark, fires, and cozy clothes?
Seriously people.
I work at Hallmark, there's no limit to what I can handle.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I really love pictures of me like this.
This is my happy smile.

I'm working on the BYU application...again.
I just can't bear to send it in until it's perfect.
But I need to soon! I will just have to settle.

I'm feeling very distant and very crabby.
I'm not the same person that I once was.
But I'm trying to make everything better.
& I'm trying to figure out my life and make things happen.

I've been escaping through christmas music.
& through yummy foods.
& sleep, of course.

But before christmas overtakes Autumn, my favorite season,
here's a little playlist of fall tunes.

Fall Jams

Forever Young- Bob Dylan
The Sound of Silence- Simon and Garfunkel
Eyes- Peter Bjorn and John
O'Sister- City and Colour
California Stars- Billy Bragg and Wilco
The Hill- Bombay Bicycle Club
Speic Seoigheach- The Cheiftains
The Girl- City and Colour
Mouthwash- Kate Nash
Ritual Union- Little Dragon
Dream a Little Dream of Me- The Mamas & The Papas
Love You More- Raccoon
There is a Light That Never Goes Out- The Smiths
One Week of Danger- The Virgins
Billie Holiday- Warpaint

Enjoy! & wish me luck on all my little life things, that probably won't matter someday.
But for now, they're the biggest deal ever.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Music Crush

City and Colour has been the only thing playin' on my ipod these days.
So beautiful. And so happy.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dear God

make me a bird so I can fly fah fah away. Name that movie.

I found a couple of snapshots from my trip to DC and they made me happy, so I had to share. Look at the duckies! How precious!

We have a 49er contest at school. The concept is to write a story in 49 words or less.
Here's mine.

Get Well
"Leave me alone Melvin!" "Shut up Lois!" The old Jewish couple's fighting again.
"We're looking for a Get Well card."
I showed them the way. "Let's get out of here Lois!" "Leave me alone Melvin!" "Have a nice day."
I watched them leave. She's sick. He's worried.