Tuesday, November 27, 2012


green smoothies
will power
the elliptical
hard work

Saturday, November 24, 2012

one of my fav movies

Friday, November 23, 2012

just bought Ellen's book "Seriously I'm Kidding"

She says the secret to life is kale

good to know

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I took this picture in September!
It is when I was first in SLC,
it is our church's temple, probably one of the most famous ones. 

We also have a temple here on campus.
They are absolutely beautiful and I am so grateful we have them here on the earth today.

Anyways, I want to make myself a christmas break bucket list!
Here goes!

-clubbing with Brittany
-sibling date with my brothers
-hiking with the dogs
-panera/starbucks dates
-drive around & look at christmas lights
-try out new recipes for the family
-spend time with the babies & the whole family
-ugly sweater party

im sort of having a brain fog
I will add to this list later!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

once you get fit, you never quit

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Goals for this week:

eat healthy
study my scriptures
get my homework allllll done
have a great thanksgiving, fill up on veggies

simple as that.
this weekend was a calorie fest, it's time to get back on track

Saturday, November 17, 2012

What if I dyed my hair purple?
Bucket list, people.

Just Little Things

A few images I am feeling inspired by today.
Also two of my favorite women.

Today I have a few things running through my mind.

-I love classical christmas tunes, why is it only 1 month of the year? whyyyyy?

-I've sort of become a domestic house mumma, I'm on a constant search for recipes,
is this real life? 

-I really love the scriptures, and my church, and this school.
It has really influenced me is such a positive way. 
I feel like a stronger person here, and I am so grateful for the Lord's hand in my life.
Or more accurately, his punches to my face. Cause I've seriously had some of those lately.
-I am grateful for repentance and progress.

-I am grateful for cold weather and warm food. Or chocolate-y food. Acually just food in general.
Oy veyyy.

-The eliptical is an absolutely miracle worker. 4, one hour work-outs this week and I already feel my buns of steel. Let's keep this going. 30 lbs. to go WOOOOOOOOOO

-I am grateful for my mumma and daddy. I just really really am.

-I'm also grateful for best friends and new friends. I love conversations that make you go WHOA
life's kinda awesome.

Weekends just rock. Even if I totally gain 5 pounds every time.
Here's to an awesome thanksgiving week. 

Now to do homework BLEH
made black bean brownies, they were healthy and bland.

So I melted a bag of dark chocolate chips on them. Much better.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Also, have I mentioned how awesome my roommates are?
December will be bittersweeet

Yum Healthy Eats
I just love my church.
I am not promoting it through this video,
I just think it shows the pure love we have for everyone no matter the circumstance.

I wish I could have been a part of this service. 
How incredible. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday School

Like I said before, the Lord seriously knows what I need.
Today's class was so powerful to me.
I just felt like it was exactly what I needed to progress into the next week, ready to take on the world.
Because I know that I can do it. I have support and I am making myself better!

These videos absolutely killed me.
I was on the verge of becoming a blubbering mess.
Just watch.


I think that God really knows me.
Like he just knows exactly what I need sometimes.

I've had the worst week.
I just felt so depressed and hopeless.

Today has been a great day!
I had multiple dance parties with my roomies,
chatted with my bff,
had a relief society party,
a walk with my roommate aka my big sista,
I made veggie chili for family dinner tomorrow,
I skyped with one of my BEST friends,
I went shopping,
I decorated the apartment for christmas,
& now I am watching a girly movie.

I am just so grateful for sweet roommates,
wonderful friends who say things you just need to hear,
the power of this season,
hope for future progress,
my family, 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

"You have to rip yourself apart, to put yourself together"

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

So, I look at these pictures and they inspire me.
I mean, ew, how did I get SO bad? 

I've had a really off week this week, 
but seeing these makes me want to jump back on the bandwagon.
I pledge right now, to never, EVER be at that weight EVER again. 
If anything, I never want to be at the weight I am right now EVER again.
30 pounds from now, I will finally be satisfied.
Let's hope. 

It's a long process, I mean it takes A WHILE to really get in shape.
It is not magic. It is science. 
And I do mess up.
But honey I am on my way to a fuller life.
I want to do this and make it a big fat, "suck it!" to the people who thought of me as just a fatty.
I'm so much more than my weight.
I have great qualities.
I am an intelligent, caring person.
I want my outer beauty to reflect my inner strength and self.
I will NEVER EVER give up this process.
I have struggled for too long. And I am too happy with my progress
to ever think about going back.

I do not care that this entire blog consists of me ranting about my weight.
It's my blog and this is what is running through my head. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

This was taken just about a year ago at christmastime.
Sometimes when I feel hopeless,
I grab a big drink of water
and look at this girl.

She wanted to change so badly.
Now here I am, doing so well.
I've grown so much & made so much progress.
I want to keep going for her. 
Because she really wanted this. 
I really want this. 
It is really just one of those days.
Okay listen.

Eat only good, whole foods for your body.
Exercise everyday.
Get a good night's rest.
Read scriptures daily.
Pray as often as possible.
Be creative.
\Be nice.
Spread your love.
Expand your mind.
Study your heart out.
Drink lots of water.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Xmas List

It's never too early right? Besides I like to give Santa lots of options! 
To be quite honest, the flight home is the only Christmas present I need...
But just in case, I thought I'd give mom & dad 
a little helpful hint, just in case...;) 

Emma's Xmas List
(in no particular order)

-yoga leggings (victoria secret)
-cozy socks
-instax mini
-air popper
-kinfolk magazine
-northface jacket
-fringed moccasins

*see also amazon wish list

As you can tell, I am very much in the Christmas spirit.
And um, hellllllooo! Why shouldn't I be?
Thanksgiving is basically a pre-xmas anyways. 

Music Crush

Little Things

talking to my family, particular my tough little brother
skyping some of my best friends
awesome roommates
grandma fudge
making family sunday dinner
christmas music, don't judge
planning for the future
going to the gym
taking time to focus on the progress I've made
learning to say,"it's okay, tomorrow will be better"
cleaning my room
getting wicked good grades on tests, like a boss
old shirts that are much looser
finding new recipes
getting excited for the holidays
remembering who I am and where I came from
care packages from friends and family
my dad
my mom


Friday, November 2, 2012

I am like obsessed with creating a beautiful life.
I am so excited to have my own home someday.
Just so I can decorate in my own style and throw dinner parties for my friends.
I want to learn how to cook beautiful meals, and make memorable moments.
Is this too domestic housewife of me? I hope my little dreams aren't shallow. 

I also hope I can make these things happen.
I want to have my little business, cafe-type thing and possibly live in the city. 
If not, that's fine too. Just as long as I'm close to the people I love.

Right now I am obsessing over recipes and cooking/baking.
I want to test SO many recipes, but, alas, I am a poor college kid.
Let's pray I win the lottery so I can make all my dreams happen.

Actually I'll just work my butt off, results are more likely that way.

Um, also, I may be a little late to jump on the bandwagon, but I love goop.
It just gives me more creative ideas. Laaaave it! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012


NOvember Goals:

-run 12 miles a week on the eliptical (3 miles, 4 times a week/2 miles, 6 times a week)
-lift, push-ups, workout the arms!!!
-insanity with the roommates! woo!
-NO sugar, NOvember
-eat healthy
-make good choices

NOvember is going to to be good to me. It really is.