Sunday, September 25, 2011


Here's an update on my life. And listen, I know I'm pretty boring and pretty lame for getting worked up over silly things. But, whatever. Shut up.

SO, I was working yesterday (at hallmark.) This woman came in with a southern accent (I do not live in the south.) She was very talkative and very open. She immediately started piling things on the counter saying "I want that, and that, and that." I was honestly getting pretty freaked out because she was getting some really expensive stuff. And she KEPT GOING. My friends came to visit me while this was happening, and this woman was very nosy while I talked to them. A little while later she came up to me and told me my friends were arrogant. I guess that they were making "retarded" noises in the back of the store and she got offended. I mean I understand that that is offensive but it wasn't like they were being forwardly obnoxious. But she KEPT bringing it up and I kept saying I'm sorry. What else was I supposed to do? Then she told me that she and Jimi Hendrix had been dear friends. That's when I finally thought,

Okay, this woman is from the loony bin.

She was still stacking up piles of stuff while this whole conversation was going on and I was getting really worried. Things just weren't matching up. Then she told me that she was BFFs with Cher and Cher had invited her to the premiere party of Burlesque, but she wasn't able to go. I was freaking out. This lady was nuts. Then she started in on personal things like her bank account and telling me her daughter had tried to kill her. I HATE when customers, or anyone for that matter, discuss personal things and what do you say? It just makes things weird for you. So I rang all of her things up, and it came out to around $550. AT HALLMARK. I was honestly shaking by the time it was done.

All I could think was that this Hallmark story definitely beats the one where I dropped the wine glass on mother's day and almost cried.

I'm sure most of you found that story boring, but it was a big deal. So there.

In other news, I've been thinking about college essays and applications and scholarships and all that scary stuff. Not to mention important things like my senior pictures, cap & gown money, all that jazz. Oh, and some church stuff I need to think of like catching up on my tithing and getting my patriarchal blessing.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Movie Crush

Finally got around to watching Burlesque.
I loved it! No one can sing like Christina. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dream a Little Dream

Well yesterday I looked at colleges. YIKES. If I wasn't nervous before I sure am now. Just the idea of going off somewhere, not knowing anyone, and not even knowing who I am or what I want makes me want to crawl  under the covers and hide. But I think it's about time I told you about my latest idea, one that I really think might stick...

Here it is. I have a bit of a check list for my future job.

I want a place that reflects who I am.
I want a place where I won't dread going everyday.
I want to stay in New England (please)
I want to be the boss

Ahaha tough list right? WRONG. I've got the perfect plan.

I would like to own a little cafe. I would style it all in my own way, serving yummy sandwiches and treats! Anything I felt like! I would make all the play lists myself and there would even be a little book nook. A cozy little spot to call mine. It sounds like a dream come true to me. Now trust me, I am aware of this economy. I am aware of how difficult it is to get a business like this up of the ground. But you know what? I am willing to do this. I figure I will take business classes in college, dream my way through (study too!) and make it happen. Hopefully I can do it! What do you think? Would you stop by for a chocolate peanut butter bar and a good jam or two?

Right now I would love to dream and plan for this, but unfortunately I've got homework to do.
Senioritis rears it's ugly head again. Gr, so many fun things to do, but so little time for fun.

XOXO emma

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011


What a crazy diease. Is it wrong to wear pajamas to school already? Or to keep missing homework? But ecspecially to not even care?

I'm not THAT bad, but I seriously can't do this high school thing anymore.

To tell you the truth, I don't even feel real right now. I don't feel like a senior. I don't feel nervous or excited for college. It all just hasn't hit me. I think I used up all my emotions last year with the junior hectic-ness. It kind of sucks too, because I know it's all going to come in one unpleasant swoosh and I am going to fall. For now I am in 'seminary, school, homework, work, repeat' mode. Let's wish me luck with this.

Oh, and just listen, love this one.

I think I am just going to relax tonight. Too tired for words.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just One of those Days

This week has been rough. I mean Monday was wonderful (that's when these pictures were taken.) I went to the beach for probably the last weekend of the summer. I also met an incredible film photographer. Check out his work here. But ever since then, it's been all down hill.

Yesterday had to have been the worst day of my life. Let's just say I almost got in a car accident because some idiot decided to ignore a stop sign. And no, I am not that idiot. Later that night I was an idiot though, and left my headlights on at work...for 5 hours. My battery died and I had to get the mall cops to jump my car. I was so distressed and distracted that I ran my first red light. That was just the cherry on top. I got home and discovered my phone fell apart in my purse, due to a spillage of eye make-up remover. So that's gone. Then my car wouldn't start today because apparently my battery holds grudges. Cool.

To add to this whole mess, I've been in a terrible mood. I honestly think school is a major contributor. It's depressing. And I'm not just talking about the work load or the snotty kids, I think school seriously affects you're mind. It makes you feel low and rotten. So that's just great. Oh, and did I tell you I'm sick? Yep, I could probably come up with more awesome things but I think it's time to look to the positive.

I am grateful that I was safe and did not get in a car accident.
I am grateful for mall cops and their jolly dispositions.
I am grateful that I am lucky enough to have the oppurtunity for an education.
I am grateful that I only have allergies and not a life-threatening diease.
I am grateful that I have a car, even if we're in a fight.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Remember When Irene Came Through Town?

Oh Irene. We lost power for 30 hours and this is how things were last Sunday night. It was actually kind of nice. I love candles and it was fun to have an excuse to light them all!

One of my Favorites

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Warning: I'm Angry

Alright, I normally try not to dwell to much on human behavior because frankly, I find it horrible. I also don't quite understand it. Why do people do all these terrible things to people who truly care? Why are people insane is basically my question.

If there is a person giving you genuine advice and who honestly wants to help you, let them. Thank them. At least act grateful. If you treat people like crap, newsflash, they are going to abandon you. Nobody wants to be your friend when you look down on them and if you treat them terrible. I know that is a really hard concept to understand, but get it through your head, that is just the way it is.

The fact that you can simply toss your real friends aside who tried to help, just for the sake of popularity or 5 minutes of fame, is seriously sick. And no one really wants to be friends with that sort of person anyway. I think friendship is so important, and when a friend doesn't treat you right, you need to let them loose. Makes sense right?

I'm sorry for this mean post, but my friend has been seriously mistreated. Her intentions are pure and she has a beautiful soul. Maybe she has a more colorful use of words, and maybe she doesn't want to be best friends with the person she tried to help, but she deserves such better treatment. There's more to people than you might think.

I encourage everyone to look past just someones face and attitude. I admit I've been in quite the judgmental zone lately, but if I really think about it, everyone is good. Even if it's deep down. I definitely needed to get this out of my system so I can move on. I am trying a detox of all things judgmental. I really want to get back to the good ol' me. The one who was sweet and kind. Let's get that girl back pronto!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Music Crush

Simon & Garfunkel are always a #1 music crush for me. But I feel like I love them in autumn ecspecially. Mmm I am so glad fall is on it's way!

Tell Me About Yourself

The first day of school was not so bad. But, don't you just hate when teachers give the same speech 8 times in one day? Do this, Don't do that. Be good, don't cheat, be on time, bring a pencil. Wa wa wa wa (peanut style.) Oh and then I dread the "fill out this survey so I can get to know you better."

Okay, um, I actually don't want you to know everything about me. Also, I hate writing about myself when other people are going to see it. List your best qualities? I can't, if I list them I sound snotty, if I don't it sounds like I completely hate myself. Tell me what your plans are for the future? Well teach, I haven't quite figured that out yet, so STOP ASKING ME. It just went on and on for 8 periods. Talk about torture. I'd rather just jump into some curriculum and do actually work. Can you believe I just said that?

Okay, okay. I should probably stop. I mean it was actually pretty great. Being a senior is awesome so far. I feel confident and kind of old. I have friends in almost every class and it just feels great! I think this year is going to be really good. Probably crazy busy but hey, what else is new?

By the way, I would REALLY appreciate if you would take just 2 seconds to vote for a couple of photos I have in a contest right now. I titled them "Kissing Cows" and "The Little Pigs." They are both entered in a fair picture contest and I believe the prize is 1,000? Just click HERE and you will be sent to the facebook page. Thank you so much!

Anyways, I must go. Closing tonight, opening tomorrow. Oh what a life I lead. Hallmark, I love you so. I'm just going to go sniff all the fall-scented candles all night! See ya!