Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Oh deer

Daw, look at all my beautiful friends! We decided to spend one of our last summer days getting all fancy and going into Boston. It was one of my favorite days this summer I must say! We went to Fanuil Hall and sort of just hung around. We ate, shopped, and flirted with almost every street performer we could find (they were all really cute!) It was a perfect day.

Except tomorrow I have to go back to school :(

I cannot believe that I am starting my senior year of high school! It is simply unreal. I just want to crawl in a ball right now and hide from the world. It is not going to be all that bad though. I have great classes lined up, and a great group of friends. Plus I have my job, a car, and a pretty solid idea of college lists that I plan on applying for. But for some reason I am so scared. Life is just going by so quick and I feel like I can't hold on to it. I have all these wild ideas and dreams and I'm scared I won't be able to do all of them. Or that what I don't want to become, I will become. I'm sure I'm just freaking myself out but there's always that thought in the back of my mind.

Another thing I've been thinking is something I think everyone wonders at some point. I just wonder if my friends would like me, if no one else was friends with me? Does that make any sense haha? I guess I've just been feeling distant from some friends and I miss them. Also, I feel like some friends don't really know me too well. But that's just a silly thought I've been having.

Please ignore how insane my mind works. I just need to relax and get excited! After all, senior year is going to be amazing! It's just the very 1st day of school I dread. Once I pass that it will be smooth sailing! Wish me luck friends! Ciao!

Monday, August 29, 2011

A Little Note

I just found a bunch of fun pictures like this saved to my computer! Sweet! This pictures describes how I feel right now! I am so excited because tomorrow is a girlfriend day!

My friends and I are off to Boston bright and early for a bit of "last day of summer" fun. We don't even have a set plan, we just need to go. Of course, it is not the last day of summer anymore. We got an extra day due to Miss Irene. Thanks girl. The downside of her visit was the 30 hours of no power, the lack of gas, the rotten food, and the death of my phone. But other than that, it's all good.

It was a crazy storm, and we ran into her head on. We drove home from Maine right into the storm and even saw a tree collapse right in front of us! Alas, we all survived and are healthy and well. It's been a couple of crazy days, but I can't complain (well not too much!)

I have loads to say, and lots of ideas for this blog, but I always seem to post when I am utterly exhausted. No worries, I will get more creative later. I say that a lot don't I? I think I'm off to bed so I can wake up and have the best day ever! I love girlfriends and I love Boston! What a lovely combo!

Music Crush

This song recently became extremely popular, but it is still the greatest jam. Props to my friend Joelle for the recommendation and the listen, I fell in love quick, now I must go investigate therest of their jams..

Just For Fun

My best friend has 11 children in her family. eleven. Of course they are not all children, but the majority of them are younger. Sometimes we use that to our advantage. Like, remember that time we dressed them all up as Tangled characters and had a mini-photoshoot? I do...

Aren't they just the cutest?! These girls are like the sisters I never had, and I love spending time with all of them. Silly little shoots like this are the funnest. I am so happy we got to do this! Plus, don't you think Char should be a stylist? I mean, I can hardly tell the difference between the kids and the real characters :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Why yes. I did create a 90's playlist on my ipod. Complete with...

 Aaron Carter
Backstreet Boys
Britney Spears
Destiny's Child

Oh, yes. I will be jamming out all day long!

I really need to start my summer reading books and essays now. Procrastinating for the win.

How Do Ya Feel?

Can you believe this summer is practically over? I just can't, it flew by for me. I'm sort of excited to enter my senior year however! There's so much I want to do and see, I can't wait to get a start on my living.

Sure I'll miss those summer breezes, beach trips, ice cream cones, dips in the pool/lake, wearing your bathing suit around all day (just cause you can), running barefoot through the neighborhood, burgers and barbecues, having days with absolutely nothing to do, camp, and most of all the safety of it all.

I'm getting to a stage where I am certain there will be plenty of tears and fears and completely scary moments. But, I think I'm ready! My life is coming together and I am determined to keep it from falling apart. I have a wonderful family and supportive friends. Things are great at work and at church. I'm growing and learning each day. Now is the time to take some big steps and find my way into the world.

I'm excited for my new adventure! Lucky I still have senior year to live it up before I have to get TOO serious!

Summer will be missed, but Autumn is my favorite! Here's why!

-apple picking
-carved pumpkins
-warm cider and hot cocoa
-foliage on the trees
-yummy fall scented candles at work
-football season (more like marching band season!)
-sweaters, scarves, boots!
-that in between summer and winter weather!

Autumn makes me so indescribably happy, and I am so glad it is right around the corner!

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Falcon

Now that I have wheels, (thank you nana & papa) I have a lot more responsiblility, and a lot more fun! Of course, the downside of a '97 nissan sentra is the fact that I have a tape player. It would be cool if I could find my old backstreet boys tape, but I can't, so I'm bummed.

And I made all these cool playlists so I could make fun mixed CDs! I will just have to find another way, or scrape up some money for a CD player.

In the meantime, I think I will share some 'mixed tapes' with you on here!

Groovin'-The Rascals
Hey Baby-Bruce Channel
Lady Marmalade-Patti LaBelle
White Rabbit-Jefferson Airplane
I Dig Rock and Roll Music-Peter, Paul, and Mary
Why Do You Let Me Stay Here-She & Him
Be Ok-Ingrid Michaelson
Love Man-Otis Redding
Nobody Knows Me At All-The Weepies
Do You Love Me?-The Contours
Us-Regina Spektor
Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)-The Beatles
Breakfast in America-Supertramp
Naive-The Kooks
Rocky Raccoon-The Beatles
Little Lion Man-Mumford & Sons
Cosmic Love-Florence and the Machine
You and I-Ingrid Michaelson
Stuck on You-Elvis Presley
Everyday I Write the Book-Elvis Costello
Dancing in the Street-The Mamas and the Papas
Smile-Vitamin C

p.s. I named my car the millenium falcon. Just so the title doesn't confuse you.

Girl's Camp Snapshots

Oh my, I love Girl's Camp! Wearing make-up, and living in the real world is so overrated. Get me back to the wilderness please! It is so much better!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Finally Home

Okay, so Girl's Camp was AMAZING! More pictures to come, but I truly cannot express how much I needed it this year.

Girl's Camp is a camp for the girls in my church from the ages of 12-18. Girl's come from all over the area, and we all trek up to spend a fun-filled week at Camp Zion in New Hampshire! We have all sorts of great activities like skits, games, hikes, dance parties, you name it! We have the MOST delicious food, we meet the greatest people, and over all just have an incredible time!

I was so grateful for this year because it really strengthen me. I guess you could say I've been in a spiritual rut lately, and I was in pretty bad shape. I was just always miserable all the time and I didn't know why! But being at camp helped me remember that I am not alone. And I NEED my church in my life. I am so thankful for the people who reminded me of who I am, and without knowing it helped me out of my funk. I feel so much better now, and ready for school to start! This positive attitude that I have attained will really help me I think, and having the spirit back is really the only way that I will survive my senior year!

I feel like I made so many new friends and truly strengthen my old friendships this year at camp as well. That is a wonderful blessing for me! I got to be a Youth Camp Leader again this year which means I was in charge of younger girls! I got the 12 yr. olds! They were the sweetest things, and they reminded me of myself at that age, scared and not really sure of who I was. It was amazing to see how they grew throughout the week.

Our theme was Back to Basics, which fit right in for me. My life has gotten so hectic, and I sort of forgot myself. Now I am going to try to tone it down and focus on the important things. Wish me luck!

Sometimes I feel self-concious writing all sorts of religious mumbo-jumbo here on my blog. But you know what? It is MY blog and I am going to write what I think/feel. Dispite what anyone thinks. I truly believe in my church, and I know I am a daughter of God. More camp pictures will be on the way, but I just felt like I had to write about my life-changing week. I feel WONDERFUL!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rose Ring

A whole bunch of people have been asking where I got my rose ring! It is the cutest thing ever, in my opinion, and the woman who makes them is so sweet! Go here to get one! I believe they are only $5 and totally worth it! She also makes hair pins! Check it out!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

A Little Hello

Why hello there! Long time, no see! I have been neglecting my poor little blog, because I've my busy schedule, but I plan to make a more regular appearance on here!

Actually, I have been working my receptionist job all week (which means I've been surfing the net all week,) and I have some great ideas to spice things up on this boring little blog of mine! I must say, I'm crazy excited! I will of course share with you everything later, because as usual, my schedule is full full full!
Before I go though, I have to tell you what's happening in this girl's life right now! First of all, WE GOT A PUPPY! I don't actually have a great picture of her right now, but she is beautiful. Momma got her for Daddy's birthday this week, and now we have 3 GIANT doggies in the house now. It's madness. But mostly the good kind. Her name is Heidi, and she is as Bernese Mountain Dog just like Fritz! She is 12 weeks old and a biter (teething.) But we love her to death already, even if she pees on the floor.

Hm, also I have started helping my friend Diana from church with her Mary Kay business! I've just been teaching her about Facebook and the different opportunities it has for business. It is a lot of fun, and I absolutely love the Mary Kay products! Of course I needed to sample some before we got the ball rolling! If you are interested in buying some beauty products just go here:  also, please check out Diana's page on Facebook! She is such a sweet lady, and she truly believes everyone is beautiful. It's so lovely. Check it out: Diana Cala Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant.

Oh dear, I've got to go! I've got a photoshoot today with one of my oldest friends, Rachael! I'm off to do her senior pictures! We have been friends since birth, and we have sure had our ups and downs, but I love her to death. Opps! She's here! Must go!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Need a Laugh?

Please watch this. But try not to pee your pants! Then once you are done watching that,
watch this.....

Are you crying from laughter yet? I am.

These were both discovered on one of my many adventures searching on youtube, and coming up with something I hadn't been looking for. But come on. These videos are so flippin' adorable. And they really brightened my day.

P.S. don't talk back to darth vadar or he'll get cha!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sweet Summertime

This weekend we took a trip to York Beach in Maine! It was beautiful and so much fun! My Nana grew up in the area and worked there as a teenager, so basically it is a place that is close to my heart. I love Maine!

We also made friends with some puppy-owners on the beach! It was so great to snuggle with the sweet little things. I looove puppies! The beach was so filled we actually set up on the grass right next door. I think it was even nicer than the beach to tell you the truth. We hiked up through the beach neighborhoods to Browns' Ice Cream, from which I got some lovely blisters. That's my fault for forgetting my socks of course. The homes were so beautiful, and I want a beach house SOOO bad! I love York Beach so much, it's a place you wish you never had to leave.