Thursday, July 28, 2011

I Have Cute People in my Life

Although I have become a workaholic, I still try to spend time with the people that matter most this summer. But honestly guys, work has taken over my life. I don't even feel like a kid anymore.

Aren't my baby cousins the cutest kids you've ever seen?! It was their first pool swim, and they
L-O-V-E-D it. Seriously they're little fishies! I also went to the beach with my sweet friends Rachael, Riley, and Tyler. I love those kids so much. I miss them too. Then the last of the pictures are my lovely friends Brittany, Courtney, and Doug. We watched Court be a rockstar then gotice cream. It was a nice day. I held a crab too! Summer adventures are so silly. I went go-karting that night as well.

At work I've been unpacking Halloween-y things and autumn scented candles and such. Some people complain about the rush but, I LOVE FALL. It is probably my favorite season. I just love the colors, the clothes, the fun, the fresh start, it's all so wonderful! Plus, summer sucks. All I do is work and it is hot and humid. Where's the fun in that?? I'm sure I am crazy to say that, but i do not care.

I'm off to bed, more work tomorrow. I hate it when people complain about work. And now I've become one of them. What has happened to me I ask you?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Big News

Okay guys, guess who finally got her license this week?! Yes! I am so relieved. It was a piece of cake, but still, the anticipation of it all left me a wreck. Now life is all good. Although I still need a car of my own..

Okay, so a good friend of mine just got home from England and brought me back something amazing! A Beatles Bag from Abbey Road!! I am so excited about it I must say. She told me all about her adventures and it only made me love British people more. I must get over there!! I think I would have a brilliant time.

Today was my first day off this week, and it was just lovely. It is 100 degrees around these parts so I went for a nice swim. Then I went for ice cream, a movie, and some shopping with one of my oldest friends. It was just nice to hang out for once!

Summer makes you miss the people you would normally see everyday. I'm stoked to spend time with some lovely people this weekend. Work is nice, but I just want to hang around and be a kid for a little longer :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Here We Go Again

Another work filled week. But I won't get into that. Guess who saw Harry Potter twice this weekend? This girl right here. Such a tear jerker. And all I can say is I absolutely adore British people. It doesn't matter what they are saying, their accents are wonderful. I must get myself to Europe as soon as I can.

Oh, I also plan on marrying Neville Longbottom a.k.a. Matthew Lewis. He is just so attractive. Plus I love Neville's dorkiness and grandpa sweaters.

More British people I love? The Beatles obviously. I swear if I grew up in the 60's I would have been so swept up in Beatle mania it's not even funny. I adore Emma Watson, and not just because we share the same name. She is such a wonderful person and crazy beautiful. I could just go on and on, but I think you get the point.

I love British people.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Work Sucks, I Know

Would you like to know how I spent my day @ work? I signed up for reward cards and such for Ulta, Borders, DSW, and Sephora. Oh, yes it was very productive. I ended up buying 3 books from Borders and some make-up from Sephora. But, I haven't been totally irresponsible. I had a gift card!!

This week consists of work work work and more work. Today I was I played the receptionist role for 8 1/2 hours. Tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday are all Hallmark days. But two different Hallmarks! I start the working at the other store tomorrow, I'm at my regular one Wednesday and the new one Thursday. Okay, now before I bore you to tears, I'm going to talk about more exciting aspects of my life.


Oh hey! Harry Potter comes out on Thursday, and you know I'm going to the midnight premiere. I mean seriously, who isn't?? Friday morning I get to go to Maine for the weekend which is going to be a dream. Maine is my absolute FAVORITE place. Even if my brothers are bringing their annoying friends. I shall keep calm and vacation on.

Oh my gosh, and guys! I am taking my road test next TUESDAY! Gah, I really hope I get my license! Well, I am sorry my life is extremely boring but now at least you're all caught up. Alright I need to get some food in me before I collapse from hunger. Lataaa Gattta!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

I Must Get Back to the Sea

I do not know if I could survive without POST-ITS. I honestly jot down every little thing on them. Just my random thought of the day.

Today I went to the beach for the first time this summer, finally. It was marvolous and I spent time with great friends. I'm sad for this week to end, but on the other hand I'm glad to get back to work and make some bank. I haven't felt so happy in a long time, and I am so glad summer is here. I feel so free!

Yesterday I went to Harvard Square with Allie and Joelle! We were originally going to do their senior photoshoot, but we decided to reschedule because it was overcast & on and off thunderstorms. Instead we had lunch at fire and ice and then a little pinkberry for dessert! We played Just Dance later on which just completed an oh so wonderful day!
The day before I hung out with my friend Julie and had Five Guys for the first time! It was heavenly! I loved it so much, even if it was greasy. We relaxed by the pool and played games.

This week has been jam-packed with friends and fun! I am so glad I had the week off! I must be off, because I think my Dad is more excited about the new Fairly Odd Parents Movie than anyone. He's yelling at me to come watch. So wierd. Plus I'm feeling creative and I'm thinking of redecorating my room, or painting a lovely picture. My night is wide open. Have a lovely weekend!

These Summer Days Don't Last Long

This week has been so wonderful. I have been able to spend time with so many friends and it actually feels like summer. These two girls are so beautiful and amazing, I just had to share our little adventure. They are kind, and caring and I have so much fun just being with them! I am so grateful for my group of friends, for a while I wasn't in a group that was good for me, so I'm glad I found my place.

The days are beautiful, the living is easy, the future is wide open, and life is good. I am feeling creative and adventurous. Tomorrow I am finally going to the beach, and I am going to relax and let summer take me away. Weeks like these are meant to be lived. And I am so glad I did. Back to the o' salt mines monday though.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th Guys!

There are some very scary booms coming from my neighbors. My house may get burnt down by fircrackers tonight. Anyways though HAPPY 4TH. This is actually one of the first independence days that I haven't celebrated. No party, no friends, nothing. I spent the day by the pool with mum and dad then went to TGIF and starbucks. Successful day? Well I played yahtzee and read my book so yes, very successful.

This week I have THREE photoshoots. Three? I am getting so famous guys! Nawt. But I did recently create a facebook page called, "Emma Rose Photography." I just figured it was about time to get the ball rolling and do some actually work and get paid. Oh, and make myself official. Hence "Emma Rose Photography."

I sort of have 4 JOBS now. I work at mum's work as receptionist. I work at 2 seperate hallmarks. And of course, this photographer thang. Times are certainly busy. But, I'm enjoying it.

This picture was actually taken before a delightful night of Hallmark bliss. I think it truely sums up my summer, a.k.a. my life as an employee. Hooray!

Well, I must go to sleep because I have a very, very, very early morning photoshoot. goodnight moon.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Forever Strong

If there was one only one thing I was allowed to say about this weekend it would be, I LOVE MY CHURCH. We had a youth conference this weekend and I honestly have not had a better time in such a long while. We had a luau, ate roasted pig, hulu-danced, painted some dugouts, played some games, danced our feet off, and most importantly got spiritual. I had to write a devotional on virtue, and although I complained about it a bit, I truely enjoyed it. Virtue is one of my favorite topics.

We had a great testimony meeting as well which really helped me. I was glad to be surrounded by these cool kids who are working hard like me. Just working to be themselves. It gets so hard and lonely sometimes, but it's worth it with great friends like mine. I've been having a hard time and I am just so grateful for my church, my friends, and the Lord. Things are definitely looking up.